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List of projects with social impact.


OpenBionics - prosthetic arm

The proposal of OpenBionics consist in the creation of affordable prosthetic arms for everyone (being less than 200 euros) easy to manufacture, they can be created using off-the-shelf products (in any hardware store) and with the use of a 3D printer.

The CAD files (Computer-aided design) are also available, (the “.stl” format is the one used to define the geometry of 3D objects) in which come defined the pieces for right and left hands.


OptiKey is an assistive on-screen keyboard which runs on Windows. It is designed to be used with an eye-tracking device to assist with keyboard and mouse control for those living with motor and speech limitations, such as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) / Motor Neuron Disease (MND).

It works out of the box once you have your eye-tracking device installed and allows selections to be made using dwell selection, buttons, etc. If you do not have an eye tracking device, OptiKey can be used with a mouse.

OptiKey was written as an accessible alternative to the outrageously expensive, unreliable and difficult to use AAC (alternative and augmentative communication) products currently on the market. It is, therefore, fully open-source and free. Forever.

Assistive Context-Aware Toolkit (ACAT)

ACAT is an open source platform developed at Intel Labs to enable people with motor neuron diseases and other disabilities to have full access to the capabilities and applications of their computers through very constrained interfaces suitable for their condition. It enables users to easily communicate with others through keyboard simulation, word prediction and speech synthesis. Users can perform a range of tasks such as editing, managing documents, navigating the Web and accessing emails.


iOS app to help people with disabilities get help from nearby agents in train stations. Through the application, the user calls for help with a simple button, immediately agents are alerted and can geotag the user. If user or agent don’t have any connection, the application broadcast help information through bluetooth service.

Mouse Glove

MouseGlove is a new kind of interface born for helping people affected by disabilities who cannot use common interfaces such as mouse and keyboard. MouseGlobe offers a natural way to move the screen pointer, click and drag objects. Each action is natural as using your hands to keep, move and touch real objects on a desktop.


Models for retinal prosthetics. By 2020 roughly 200 million people will suffer from retinal diseases such as macular degeneration or retinitis pigmentosa. Consequently, a variety of retinal sight restoration procedures are being developed to target these diseases. Electronic prostheses (currently being implanted in patients) directly stimulate remaining retinal cells using electrical current, analogous to a cochlear implant. Our plan is to develop and test a neurophysiologically inspired algorithm for improved stimulation protocols in patients implanted with the 2nd Sight electronic prosthesis. Our algorithm is novel in that will rely on an existing quantitative and validated model (developed by Project Leads Fine and Boynton) of the perceptual effects of retinal stimulation.

Prosthetic Hand

A project for an adult prosthetic hand.


A project for a prosthetic arm InMoov based controlled by a smartphone sensors.