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List of projects with social impact.

Ethics, Legislation and Profession Projects

This is a list of projects of the subject Ethics, Legislation and Profession (ELP), we will show here some projects that require collaboration or just use GitHub as a platform. This category it’s meant to be useful to the Complutense University of Madrid students.

API for accessing open data

This work has as main objective to provide an API to access the open datasets that the City Hall of Madrid offers through its website. In addition, it is intended that both people who do not know what these types of data consist of and expert users who work with them regularly can take advantage of it. It is therefore that a web page is offered in which, in addition to downloading our APIs and corresponding data files, the Interested parties can learn about the open data, its advantages and how to release its own.

APIs obtained from the open data portal of the City Hall of Madrid:

API Link Events Calendar (
API Link Wifi Locations (

Links to the repositories of the code developed:

Repository of the code of the web page (
Code repository of created APIs (

Web where we use and process the information provided by the APIs:

Link of the web Open Data FDI (

Survey to computer engineering students before taking ELP.

The work has consisted of conducting surveys of new students about free software concepts, their licenses and other related topics seen in this subject. The work also has an informative intention, since after carrying out the questionnaires, the students have been informed through a triptych about the content of the same, clarifying the doubts that could have arisen during its realization.

GitHub Link:
Homepage Link:

License your code

Guide that explains the process to follow to put your code under a certain license.

Guide Link:
GitHub Link:

A web for future students

The goal of this project is not only to make easier the access to information, but also to show it in a clearer and more informal way, since it is aimed at young people who are looking for a lot of simple and direct information.

GitHub Link:


The objective of this work is to help society navigate safely. It is initially aimed at people with little or no knowledge of Internet scams (example: phishing).

It is a web application that includes a simple test. This test will punctuate the user and will compare it with the punctuations of the other users.

GitHub Link: